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Sweet Wisdom |
In my experience of Aliens, they are highly intelligent, evolved, supportive and they are here to help us (if we are willing and able to accept their help). My Alien Friends have been instrumental in my own healing process. In fact, I am not sure I could have done it without them.
According to Ruth Montgomery, a well known psychic and medium who wrote many books, including "Aliens Among Us" (1985), these Beings are no longer coming to Earth in spaceships or UFO's as they tried to in the past. Human Beings, in general, have not been very welcoming or even open to the possibility of the existence of Beings from other planets. We humans do have a tendency to fear, deny, reject or even try to destroy that which we do not understand. So -- according to Ruth Montgomery -- these Alien friends of ours are having to find alternative and safer ways to come to our planet and to reveal themselves to us so that they can help us. Apparently, one way that they are revealing themselves to us is through individual humans who are open and sensitive to their existence and welcoming to them.
The following is my story of how I met my Alien Friends.
I have no scientific evidence or proof that this is true. I have only my experience and my story. I feel compelled to share this story and I appreciate your willingness to read it and consider the possibility.
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Dolores |
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Hank |
Losing My Sight
In 2007, I was undergoing many challenges and problems with my eyesight. For a period of about 6 months, I was legally blind. I had only very limited and shadowy sight in my right eye and I had lost the sight in my left eye. I underwent several surgeries during that time. So, since I was either recovering from yet another surgery or just couldn't see well enough to get out and around, I was pretty housebound for a while. Although I could barely distinguish colours, something in me began to crave colour. In my mind I saw bright vivid colours. I surrounded myself with brightly coloured scarves, carpets and cushions (I like to sit on the floor a lot!).
Playing with Colour
A really wonderful friend (an Art Teacher) had the amazing insight to bring me a whole lot of Art supplies. She brought me oil pastels, watercolours. tons of sketching paper and collage materials. It seems like an unusual gift for someone who can hardly see! But, as it turns out, it was probably the best gift I could have received. I started playing with colours and shapes and just drew picture after picture, seeing what I could and imagining the rest. Out of all these pictures that I kept drawing, faces began to emerge. I never sat down to intentionally draw a face, but all kinds of faces began to show up on my art paper. In the beginning, the faces looked like the drawings of a child -- after all, I could barely see and I had never done any kind of Artwork before. Initially the lines and shapes were very flowing and sweeping and free. And then I had another strange craving -- I started to crave lines and angles and symmetry.
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This is YACONI. He is a Spirit Guide who has been with me since 1999. |
Although YACONI is a Spirit Guide (as opposed to an Alien Friend) I include him here because this was the first angular and symmetrical drawing that I did. Keep in mind here that I was, at this point, legally blind and did not even own a geometry set to make the angles. So -- how did I do this drawing when I couldn't even see what I was doing? The simple answer to that question is -- I don't know!! But, as soon as I finished this drawing, I knew it was my Spirit Guide who had come through onto the paper.
After this drawing, I actually developed an irresistible craving for a geometry set! So my niece went to the store and bought me a geometry set! The drawings you see at the top of this blog post of Sweet Wisdom, Hank and Dolores (three of my Alien Friends) were done with the help of my new geometry set! Hank and Dolores also came through during my "blind" days. Sweet Wisdom was drawn a little later once I had regained some sight. But always, I would just begin by drawing lines and angles or circles with no thought of what I was actually going to draw. I just kept checking inside, asking my Soul what kind of line or angle or circle should I draw next. I could really feel that I was being guided. There was no preplanning of what I was going to draw.
Soon, my walls were covered with drawings of these faces. At this point I didn't know who they were but their presence on my walls felt good -- supportive and healing. (Pictured on this blog post are just a few of the Aliens who have been most prominent in my life, but there were many many more!)
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Joseph Celestial Musician |
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Kevin Space Station Doctor |
My First Visit to the Space Station (not the ISS!!)
In Sept. 2007, when I was in the process of regaining some sight, I had a most remarkable dream. In the dream, I woke up in the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in. Initially I had no idea where I was but, gradually, in the dream, I got up and began to explore. I came into contact with some intriguing beings -- one was a Doctor who did some healing work on my eyes. Some other beautiful beings came and danced around me. At some point, I realized that these beings were quite different from me (from humans)-- more ethereal and light -- and I could feel their beautiful light coming into me as they danced. I realized that I was in a Space Station with Aliens.
Once I woke up from that dream, I went out into my living room and looked at all those faces I had drawn that were now proudly displayed on my living room walls and I had a jolt of recognition! I knew them as the Beings that had been in my dream. Now I use the word "dream" loosely here. It felt more like I had actually been somewhere and when I woke, it felt like I was being jolted back into my physical body. I recognized Sweet Wisdom as the Guiding Force and Wise Woman of the Space Station. I recognized Hank and Dolores as the Keepers of that Sacred Space. I recognized Kevin as the Doctor who helped to heal my eyes. And Joseph played beautiful music for us as the other Beings danced around me.
Discovering "Aliens Among Us"
Shortly after that, I told my hairdresser a little bit about my Alien Friends and, would you believe it, she just happened to be reading a book called Aliens Among Us. I had never heard of that book, but I ordered it immediately. According to the author, Ruth Montgomery, the Aliens are actually preparing Space Stations where humans can reside if Earth becomes uninhabitable and needs a time to regenerate. Those humans will then be able to come back to Earth to create a sustainable way of life. Much of what was in that book (from 1985) was very similar to my current experience of My Alien Friends.
One other really interesting tidbit of possible proof of the existence of my Alien Friends came probably a few months after reading Ruth Montgomery's book, I went for a Cranial Sacral Session. The therapist, whom I knew quite well by then, had me lie on the massage table as usual. At that point, I felt the presence of four of My Alien Friends. I sensed Sweet Wisdom at my feet. Hank and Dolores and Joseph were around my head and shoulders. I said nothing about this to the therapist. But then he said, "Some friends of yours are here. Is it OK if they join us?" I was pretty astonished that he would perceive that, so I asked him what he saw. He said that he felt a strong dominant feminine presence at my feet and he sensed three other beings around my head and shoulders! So My Alien Friends joined in my Cranial Sacral Session! At the end of the session, my Cranial Sacral Therapist told me about the planet Arcturus and the Arcturians. So I went home and immediately googled Arcturus. Actually Ruth Montgomery also talks about meeting some Arcturians and, from what I have learned about them, they are remarkably similar in qualities and personalities to My Alien Friends. I don't know where my friends are from, but Arcturus seems like a possibility. Who knows? There is so much mystery and so much that is unknown to us in our limited way of seeing the World and the Universe.
On that note of mystery, I will end this story for now. More stories to come!
Sweet Dreams to All,
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