As I look back on my many years of being on this journey of healing and awakening, I realize that I have written quite extensively about my journey, and the healing journey in general, in many different ways. I've posted my stories on various blog sites, on facebook, in e-mails to friends, in (handwritten) journals etc. In this blog I plan to bring the best (in my humble opinion!!) and most powerful stories together and then carry on from here with new stories that are also bursting to be told.
I look forward to sharing with those of you who may be drawn to explore and read some of my adventures AND I look forward to hearing/reading any of your stories that may get stirred up as you read mine. I find it pretty remarkable how many of us are going through similar things (with slightly different details or ways of approaching or experiencing) at similar times.
Sharing stories is a beautiful and powerful healing tool.

Thank you for allowing me to share some stories and dreams with you.
Delightful resonance with other forms of expressions (modalities)! From my own perspective of various modes of sensory perception being interchangeable at the level of fundamental frequencies, I enjoy your sense of adventure, discovery, incorporation, awareness, healing, and awakening. I feel that the sharing aspect of our social nature is a "ripple-effect" which helps all of us who are adventurous. There could be re-awakenings. Thanks. Ron