New Encounters

It happened in her dream world. One minute she was tucked cozily under her big, soft comforter with her special purple teddy bear beside her.
The next minute she was waking up to new sounds, mysterious sounds, pleasant and enticing sounds. As she opened her eyes and tried to take in her new environment, she became aware of an unusual looking being sitting beside her, reading poetry to her. She was so intrigued by the appearance of this poet that she could barely take in his words. At least she thought the being might be a "he". She wasn't entirely sure. "He" was small, slim, gentle -- even kind of ethereal. That is to say she could see his form or his outline, but she also seemed to be able to see right through him -- right through his body. Or was it a body? As she continued to look at him, her eyes growing wider by the second, this being appeared to dissolve into a mass of vibrating particles.
Where was she? What was this place? She wanted to know -- had to know.
Slowly and gingerly she got up from where she had been laying and put her feet on the floor, testing it. She was not exactly sure if the floor was real or if it was also simply a mass of vibrating particles that she might fall through.
The girl knew that she was heavier and denser than this being she was seeing through -- the being who was still sitting there reading poetry. How could she maneuver her way in this strange place with a body that seemed so different from this ethereal being she was observing?
The girl stepped cautiously onto the floor, still uncertain if it would hold her considerable weight. She wasn't a big girl by any means. She was normal size for a girl her age -- maybe even verging towards a petite size. Yet here, in this mysterious and still unknown place, she felt huge and awkward and heavy.
As she tested the floor, it seemed that it would hold her now seemingly enormous weight. She walked slowly, gradually transferring her weight from one foot to the other just in case there was a spot on the floor with fewer vibrating particles to hold her up.
She reached another room and peeked inside. Initially it seemed to be totally silent and totally white inside that room. BUT as her eyes adjusted to the whiteness, she began to detect some movement. Then she saw the most spectacular sight. A group of very feminine beings were dancing in a circle -- moving, swaying to a beat or some inner music that she could not hear.
With a jolt, she got it! She knew where she was. She was in the WORLD OF THE FAIRIES. These beings were fairies. So many fairies everywhere. And they were dancing just for HER!
Yes, she was definitely the luckiest little girl in the whole world. Maybe even in the whole Universe. She thought that her life could never be better than it was right now, in this very moment. Just being here in the land of the fairies, watching them dance -- what could be better?
Then, magically, the Circle of Dancing Fairies opened up and, without a word being spoken, the little girl knew the fairies were inviting her into the centre of the circle. She walked in and lay down in the very centre of that circle. The fairies danced and moved and swayed all around her.
Gradually the dancing came to an end and the fairies moved closer to her. Somehow the little girl knew that the fairies were speaking to her and she understood what they were saying even though they were not speaking in words or audible (to the human ear) voices. The girl was feeling light, as though she could float or fly.

Oh Yes!! She wanted to stay and dance forever with her new fairy friends.
BUT THEN she remembered her Mom. And her Dad. Her brother. Her special little dog friend. She knew how much they would miss her.
As I was writing this little story, particularly towards the end, I was feeling the sensation of a near death experience -- such beautiful beings, everything so light and airy, so far away from the Earthly struggles. My body just a mass of vibrating particles. So tempting to just stay in that place. But it was so clear that despite all of the challenges on Earth right now,this is where I need, and want, to be. I want to continue living here on Earth in a physical body. I want and need to be with my "family" -- a family that began with Mom, Dad, Brother and Dog and has now expanded into the family of humanity, the people of Earth, the plants and animals of Earth. Yes -- this is where I want to be right now.