Friday, September 16, 2016

Letter to White Coat, Black Art at CBC Radio

Letter to Dr. Brian Goldman

 In Defense of Naturopathic Care    

This is a copy of the letter that I sent to Dr. Brian Goldman (CBC Radio's House Doctor and host of the program White Coat Black Art) in response to his recent program that, once again, portrayed Naturopathy and Homeopathy in a very unflattering light. At the end of the show, he did invite people who have used the services of a Naturopath to write in and share their stories.

Dear Dr. Goldman,

   In response to your program on Sat. Sept. 10, 2016, about Naturopathic Care and Homeopathic remedies, let me first say that I did, in the past, work within the Medical System as a Registered Nurse. I left that profession in a very burnt out and exhausted state. That was in 1989 when I was medically diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. At that point, I turned to Naturopathic Care (which included taking Homeopathic remedies along with natural supplements). I had no medical intervention whatsoever and I healed totally from that condition.

   I have also had a very recent experience with Naturopathic Care. In August 2014, I was suddenly struck with some very serious symptoms -- generalized, excruciating pain, as well as severe swelling in my joints. Many days Icould hardly walk for the pain and swelling in my knees and hips. I was unable to lift my arms higher than shoulder height and even that was unbearably painful. I went to see the GP that I had been seeing for about 15 years. She had no idea what was going on with me. She did not examine me. She told me that she was unable to do a physical because, according to her, OHIP no longer covers physicals. Because I was unable to work at the time, I did not have the money to pay the additional $200.00 which she charges above OHIP. She sent me for bloodwork which was pretty out of whack. She still had no idea what was going on with me and, due to OHIP restrictions, she was only able to spend a few minutes with me. By this time I was frightened and in great distress. I found another GP who did spend more time with me and she did do a complete physical (and did not charge me extra). She repeated the bloodwork which, by then, was even worse. She at least seemed more concerned, but she also had no idea what was going on with me.

   I went through this, undiagnosed and untreated, for almost a year. Because I was unable to work that whole time, I did not have the money to see the Naturopath I had seen previously. Fortunately I discovered that the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine has a student clinic with prices geared to one's financial situation. In July 2015, I was seen -- for a full hour -- by a 4th year Naturopathic student and her supervisor. On my very first visit there, the student correctly diagnosed my condition as Polymyalgia Rheumatica. When I later looked it up, the symptoms were classic and my bloodwork was the exact picture of this condition. I was put on a herbal anti-inflammatory supplement and fish oil. I was given a list of foods that cause inflammation to eliminate from my diet. Later I was given a homeopathic remedy to help me deal with some emotional issues I was struggling with. That remedy turned out to be very effective. And the best part of this treatment was having a full hour at every appointment. I was listened to. I was believed. Every possible treatment was discussed with me and I had every option to say yes or no, depending on what I felt comfortable with. All the  treatment was geared to my particular lifestyle and personality. My symptoms began to lessen very quickly. I had my final visit at the Clinic in April 2016. By then all of my bloodwork was back to normal. I was (and still am) pain free. My mobility and flexibility are all back to normal.  

   I know -- in the case of the Stephan family's tragedy of losing their toddler - a Naturopath is under investigation. That is a very tragic incident. But it is ONE incident. I still feel very comfortable with trusting the majority of Naturopathic Doctors to know when a situation is life threatening and requires medical attention.

   What I would like to know is how many people die, or suffer needlessly, due to an incorrect, or no, diagnosis, in the Medical System? How many people do not get properly assessed in the Medical System? I guarantee it is more than one.

   I feel very sad and angry when I hear Medical Doctors totally dismissing any kind of Naturopathic or Homeopathic Care.

   This is my experience with Naturopathic Care. Thank you for allowing me to share my story. And I do really appreciate your show for bringing important topics and stories like this one out into the open.

Barbara Sauve

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